Employee Retention Employee Retention
Employee Retention

  Strategic Associates Program

The Herman Group has a problem . . . They can't be everywhere at once. The employee retention crisis facing employers is so widespread that practically every employer is confronted with the challenges of finding and keeping skilled and committed workers and building a winning, Employer of Choice® organization culture. .

We just can't respond to all these opportunities . . . all this demand.

Without a stable workforce and a winning workplace culture, employers find it increasingly difficult to serve their customers, produce products, or earn a profit. Larger companies can hire consultants and trainers with high levels of expertise and national reputations. Thousands of smaller companies cannot afford the super-experts, but still need help to build a more stable workforce. They need assistance and we can't possibly serve them all, but you can help.

Wouldn't it be terrific if you could make a profound difference for these employers and increase your profits at the same time?
Now you can.

Access to the knowledge, techniques, and tools you'll need to be successful.
The Herman Group Team has "been there and done that." They've helped employers slash uncontrolled turnover, bond with valued employees, and be much more profitable. They know what works and what doesn't. They've saved employers millions of dollars by helping them hold onto their good people. Companies with household names, like Opryland Hotel, American Honda, Procter and Gamble, Volvo Trucks, Caterpillar, and Wal-Mart. And now they're ready to share their valuable information with you.

You'll have everything you need to be successful.
We'll give you everything you need to be successful. You'll receive all the tools, all the techniques, all the strategies and tactics, even the marketing approaches you'll need to really capitalize on this serious problem employers face. Their pain will be your gain.

We'll be with you every step of the way.
But our support doesn't stop there. Once you're into the engagement, if you run into a problem situation, we're available to you by phone, FAX, and e-mail to give you the answers, the language, the perspectives you need to handle the situation with grace and ease.

A ready-made market just for you!
As a consultant, coach, trainer, or recruiter, you know you're good. Your clients tell you so, so why not take the opportunity to make a difference and make money for yourself? . . .lots of money!

Don't know what it takes? Read on.

We'll give you proven strategies, easy to implement, easier to communicate.
The material you'll learn and teach has been proven to work, proven in company after company to reduce costly turnover and build a culture that people want to be involved with. Not only have these techniques been proven, but most are low and no-cost, especially important in these budget-cutting times. In addition, most of these ideas are easy-to-implement and even easier to share with audiences in a way that they can understand be motivated to put these strategies into action.

An opportunity to really make a difference . . .
Best of all, this program gives you the opportunity to make a profound difference with these needy clients. You'll be helping these companies tackle the single greatest problem they face: Keeping their good people and keeping them productive. But clearly the best part is the number of prospects out there. . .

Almost every small to medium-size company is struggling to keep its good people. Their supervisors need your training and their leaders need your consulting and coaching expertise. They don't know where to start, but that's where you come in.

OK, so you're ready to make a difference and make money, where do you start?

Your first step is to sign up for our Herman Group Strategic Associates Program. The baseline material is delivered via the three-day Employee Retention Specialist Certificate Program. Then, the Associate Program Orientation is delivered in a half-day session immediately following the Employee Retention Specialist® Certificate Program.

You’ll enjoy the right to license intellectual property and training materials from The Herman Group as well as participate in the year-long Strategic Associates Development Program. This Development Program is designed to help you grow a retention consulting practice and consists of a series of telecoaching sessions focused on Herman Group product training, retention coaching and consulting techniques, and implementing practice-building/marketing strategies.

The Herman Group Strategic Associates Development Program consists of 5 Areas of Product Training, Professional Development, and On-going Support:

1. Product Training (40% discount on certain products included within the Strategic Associates Program)

  • Keeping Good PeopleSM Management Development Program© (including Facilitator Guide).
  • Employee Retention Boot CampTM (including Leader’s Guide).
  • Employer of Choice® Recognition Program (including the Employer of Choice® Assessment©)
  • Assessment Tools and Products (HermanCluesTM System and the Bliss-Gately Retention Tool).

2. Retention Coaching

  • 1-hour tele-coaching sessions to be delivered once per month.

3. Practice Building

  • 1-hour telecoaching sessions to be delivered once per month.
  • CD-ROM of marketing materials that may be customized.

4. Certificate Program Support

  • 1-hour telecoaching sessions to be delivered once per quarter (providing follow-up assistance and support for completion of Employee Retention Specialist Certificate Program requirements).

5. Proposal Development and Support

  • Ongoing proposal development and support as needed, including evaluation of proposal ideas and approaches.

Here's a recap of all you'll get as an Strategic Associate:

  • Discounts. Strategic Associates will be authorized to purchase the Management Development Program (MDP), Employee Retention Boot Camp. books, audio and videotapes, and other products at at 40 percent off regular retail prices. These products can be re-sold to your clients to generate base profits, which can then be enhanced with the provision of consulting, coaching, training, or recruiting services. The MDP retails at $1,995 (facilitator's materials and learning materials for ten participants) with additional participant sets available at $95.
  • Technical Support. We (Joyce Gioia, and others) will be available for consultation by telephone, e-mail, or FAX with quick response.
  • Monthly Teleconferences.We host hour-long teleconferences where you can ask questions, share ideas, and learn from other associates. Other than the cost of the phone call, there is no participation charge.
  • Marketing Assistance. We will provide guidance regarding how to market the products and services and make a difference for your clients. . .even giving you a disk of materials you can customize.
  • Credibility. You will be authorized to represent that you are part of the licensed consultants' network of The Herman Group, recognized experts in the field of employee retention.The more credibility you have, the more opportunity you have to be quoted in your local media and the more money you can charge!
  • E-Advisories. You will receive a complimentary subscription to Retention Reminders, a regular e-mail service offering tips for success in this business. ($47/year)
  • Direct Access. You will have direct access to us on behalf of your clients. If a client would like to talk directly with one of us, arrangements may be made for a conference call at an appointed time. This talk-to-the-gurus service will be available to you as long as you are an active associate.
  • Library of Books. You will receive a library of books on various aspects of workforce stability (over $120 value).

By the way, on top of the materials fees (on which you're making 40%), you'll get your regular consulting, training, and coaching fees--and you get to charge whatever fees you wish.

So what's your next step? Call us and make a commitment to participate in our next Employee Retention SpecialistTM Certificate Program and Strategic Associates Orientation. This is an opportunity for you to learn all we know about employee retention, as well as grow a new or existing profit center within your business. Economists tell us that these serious labor shortages will last a minimum of another 10 years. Employers in your area are hurting and will be for years to come. You can help!

For all of these tools and techniques, knowledge, and programs, you'd expect to pay tens of thousands of dollars. In fact some training franchises cost just that. But recognizing the need and wanting to make a difference ourselves, we've brought your initial first-year investment (licensing fee) down to only $7,000. . . major credit cards accepted. You'll recoup your investment sooner than you think!
. . . plus you earn your normal fees.

Click here to read the full agenda.

So what are you waiting for? Call or e-mail joyce@hermangroup.com right now to talk about your participation in this lucrative venture.

Call Joyce Gioia, CEO of the Herman Group at 800-227-3566 or 336-210-3547 (cell) right away. Let us help you tap into the profitable consulting and training market for employee retention and Employer of Choice® organizational development.

You'll be glad you did!

Click here to read more about Joyce's background.

An interview, usually by telephone, is required before acceptance into this year long personal support experience. Joyce Gioia, 336-210-3547.



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7112 Viridian Lane
Austin, TX 78739
Voice: 336-210-3547
Toll Free in US & Canada: 800-227-3566
E-mail: info@hermangroup.com

  © 2025 The Herman Group. All rights reserved