This Week's Herman Trend Alert

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  The Herman Trend Alert

December 26, 2001

Subdued Holiday Season

Whatever your religious or holiday celebration orientation, we send wishes for a safe, secure, fulfilling seasonal experience. This year's observances will be a bit different than in the past.

During this time of the year, people around the world celebrate according to their beliefs. Different religions and customs inspire a variety of celebrations ranging from the solemn to the effusive. Celebration dates vary, as do the reasons for the rites.

This year, as a result of political and economic challenges during 2001, celebrations will be more solemn, more subdued, than in the recent healthier years. As you read this Herman Trend Alert, families are gathered together to enjoy their special bonds and love. Many will have traveled by car or train, still leery of flying and struggling with the extra security measures in airports. Around the world, these families will be more cognizant of the fragile nature of peace and prayers will be offered in many languages for the blessed serenity that comes when diverse peoples get along with each other.

With less money to spend on gifts, this year the emphasis will be on the practical. Many families will have a more modest gift exchange because their lack of income inhibited their shopping experiences. Still, contributions to those less fortunate will be strong, partially based on our increased awareness that there are millions of people in great need. Thoughts of cold, hungry, homeless children in Afghanistan will stimulate sincere concern and support. For more information and a way you can contribute, visit We also recommend The Hunger Site, You can bookmark this one and help every day with a mere click of your mouse.

This coming week will be a sort of regrouping time for many of us. We'll contemplate the events of the past year, evaluating their impacts-direct and indirect-on our lives. We'll look toward the future, with cautious optimism, hoping for better times in the months ahead. This renewal and reenergizing will build inner strength among people around the globe, reinforcing our resilience as we move into 2002.

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