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  The Herman Trend Alert

August 10, 2022

Super-Agers Part 2

Last week, I talked about Super-Agers. You may remember we define these special seniors as folks in their 70s and 80s who have the physical and mental capacity of people who are decades younger. I promised that this Alert would include the leading-edge research on the topic of longevity.

Exercise More, Live Longer
Based on brand new research, we now know that consistent exercise can help up to resist the aging process. Working together, researchers in Spain, Italy, and Minnesota agree that regular exercise, particularly the aerobic variety, has multi-system anti-aging effects. Moreover, a huge study of 100,000 persons over 30 years determined that those people who met the recommended levels of moderate and vigorous activity had a 20 to 21 percent and 19 percent lower risk of all-cause mortality, respectively. Meanwhile, participants who exceeded those amounts exhibited even greater risk reductions: those who completed more vigorous activity than recommended had a 21 to 23 percent lower risk of death, while those who completed more moderate activity saw a 26 to 31 percent lower risk. Types of moderate activity include walking, weightlifting, and calisthenics. This information makes me feel particularly good, because I exercise about 30 minutes daily and my preferred type of exercise is Interval Training.

Timing is Almost Everything
Leading-edge research tells us two additional factors contribute to longevity: what we eat and when we eat. A new study published in the journal Science reflects the promising potential of strategic meal timing to promote anti-aging effects. A team of researchers at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas, TX, conducted a study found that caloric restriction extended the lifespan by an estimated 10 percent. However, the calorie-restricted diet combined with 12 hours fasting overnight resulted in nearly 20 percent longer than the controls. But wait, there's more. When that consumption of calories only occurred during the active phase of the circadian rhythm, the longevity was increased by an impressive 35 percent.

What We Eat Matters, Too
According to one of the key researchers into Super-Agers, Neuroscientist Dr. Emily Rogalski from Northwestern University, certain diets are recommended for optimal brain health. The MIND diet, which stands for Mediterranean-DASH Intervention for Neurodegenerative Delay has been shown to reduce the risk for Alzheimer's disease. This eating regimen is a plant-based diet that combines the Mediterranean and DASH diets. Most of us have heard of the Mediterranean Diet but the latter was a new term for me. The DASH diet accentuates fruits and vegetables while including some lean protein sources like chicken, fish, and beans. The MIND diet focuses on the intake of plant-based foods and limits the consumption of animal products and foods high in saturated fat. So far, that sounds like both of its derivative diets, however there is a major difference; the MIND diet specifically encourages a higher consumption of berries and green leafy vegetables. I found this fact especially interesting, because about a month ago, I began buying organic strawberries and blueberries and serving "a small, tasty portion" for dessert every night. Other articles listing good foods for brain function add salmon, nuts, cruciferous vegetables, dark chocolate, fermented foods, and coffee.

Super-Agers Lose Less Brain Volume
As we age, most of us lose about 2.24 percent in brain volume per year, but those of us classified as Super-Agers typically lose less that half that amount (roughly 1.06 percent). It is believed that because Super-Agers lose brain volume more slowly they are better protected from dementia.

Cognitive Decline is Not Inevitable
According to Assistant Professor of Neurology at Harvard University, Dr. Alexandra Touroutoglou, memory decline is common, but not inevitable; her research found that super-agers challenge this age-related decline. Somehow, they manage to avoid the brain shrinkage and the disruption in communication between brain regions important for memory. In fact, their memories are as strong as those of young adults. For more about how, see last week's Herman Trend Alert, Super-Agers Part 1.

To access the source material for these Super-Ager Alerts, visit

Next Week's Herman Trend Alert: The Future of Hospitality
From robots in the front office to robot housekeepers that disinfect spaces to new experiences in hotels and restaurants, in this Alert, I will explore the near and longer-term future of lodging and eating establishments.

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