You're interested in hiring Joyce to speak at your meeting? That's GREAT! You won't be disappointed.
To make sure we answer your questions and you make the right decision, please give us a little bit of information.
Or contact Joyce directly on her cell phone at 336-210-3548.
Be assured that any information you provide will not be sold, distributed or shared in any way. We respect your privacy.
All questions with an * in front of them are required for this form to process correctly. Thank you.
Your Information
*Street address
*Phone number
Fax number
*E-mail address
* I plan to have a program within the next:
Right away
3 Months
6 Months
*Meeting Location
Meeting Purpose:
Type of Audience
Size of Audience
Possible Program Topic(s):
Length of Program
Information You Need:
Deadline for selecting a speakers
Who will make the decisions
Additional Comments:
How/when should we contact you?
When you've finished completing the form, click the SUBMIT button.
Please remember that the questions with an * are required for this form to process.