You're interested in hiring Joyce to speak at your meeting? GREAT! You won't be disappointed.
To make sure we answer your questions and you make the right decision, please give us a little bit of information.
Or contact Joyce directly on her cell phone at 336-210-3548.
Be assured that any information you provide will not be sold, distributed or shared in any way. We respect your privacy.
All questions with an * in front of them are required for this form to process correctly. Thank you.
Your Information
*Street address
*Phone number
Fax number
*E-mail address
* I plan to have a program within the next:
Right away
3 Months
6 Months
*Meeting Location
Meeting Purpose:
Type of Audience
Size of Audience
Possible Program Topic(s):
Length of Program
Information You Need:
Deadline for selecting a speakers
Who will make the decisions
Additional Comments:
How/when should we contact you?
When you've finished completing the form, click the SUBMIT button.
Please remember that the questions with an * are required for this form to process.