This Week's Herman Trend Alert

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Look What Meeting Planners Have to Say About Roger Herman!

"Roger, your dinner speaker placement was a conference best! I know I came to you late and under stressful circumstances. Your acceptance to participate and share in making the conference a success is greatly appreciated. You transferred a huge amount of perspective to a very important crowd of professionals…. excitement from the attendees, the strength of audience participation, and the numerous positive comments I received clearly demonstrates the value."
Don Sauvigne
The Conference Board

"Thank you for an outstanding presentation to the GTCC Board of Trustees Annual Retreat. The information shared in your presentation provided a wealth of knowledge and a better understanding of the importance of developing strong partnerships with business and industry leaders in our area. Sharing your expertise in workforce trends offered beneficial insight for developing future plans and initiatives."
Don Cameron
Guilford Technical Community College

"You were a truly fabulous keynoter presenter for our conference. The professionalism, enthusiasm, and thought-provoking content you provided were absolutely what we needed to kick-off the agenda! Our attendee feedback on your presentation was outstanding and we hope that in the future we can work with you again."
Edward J. Davis
Steering Committee
Employment Management Association

"Thank you for your presentation to the Department of the Navy Personnel Task Force. Your insights about future trends and demographics, especially regarding young people, will be invaluable to the deliberations of our group. As I listened to your remarks and watched the audience reactions, I felt your words were well received by everyone present. You provide us a different sense of the future and gave us many things to think about. Thank you for setting the challenge!"
Carolyn H. Becraft
Assistant Secretary of the Navy Manpower and Reserve Affairs
US Navy

"Your professionalism and expertise was very well-received and appreciated by our attendees, as reflected in your outstanding evaluations from our conference attendees. Your presentation, "Secrets of Staff Retention," received a median score of 10 out 10."
Lisa Prendergast
eCustomer Service & Support Conference

"Thanks so much for your address at our annual strategic planning conference. All results from the conference are in and your comments were very well recieved and on point. In past weeks many members of our management team have referred to your remarks, so there has been a lasting impact."
Larry Cuy
Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland

"We received great feedback from the attendees related to your workshop. Your presentation provided insight and perspective that will be very useful for them as they continue to addres the ever-growing retention issues. You provided them with a fresh perspective in approaching workforce issues."
Monica Robertson/Dana Brummett
Global Business Markets, Sprint

"The reaction to your speech at the All Hands meeting has been nothing short of sensational on all fronts. We have received wonderful comment from all our folks, both in the field and at corporate."
Ken Lowe
Chief Executive Officer
The E. W. Scripps Company

"Again thank you for everything at the conference. You are a pro - they loved you!"
Carol Mattson
Custom Electronic Design & Installation Association

"Not only did the audience love you, but your message was right on point for the theme of our conference. Thank you for the professionalism that was displayed and for the extra effort that wasevident in your presentation and in your thanks to the conference staff."
Patty B. Williams
Conference Administrator, Department of Management Services, State of Florida

"Your keynote presentation was educational and enlightening and most certainly added great value to our conference."
Laurie L. Berger, SPHR
Chair, Virginia SHRM Conference 2000

"I thought your talk was great. It is easy to talk about the economy and be totally boring and succeed in putting everyone to sleep. You did just the opposite. You too the subject, made it interesting and understandable and made us think about what is happening and what is going to happen. Besides that, you were most entertaining--a masterful job!"
Harold W. Milner
World Presidents Organization
Salt Lake City, Utah

"I thoroughly enjoyed your session. You have a great way of interacting with audience, and you even made the attorneys laugh a few times--which is not an easy task! it was great working with you, and if you ever need a recommendation or testimonial for future events I would be happy to provide it."
Jennifer Maldonado, Convention Coordinator
Oregon State Bar Association

"A truly dynamic and impressive speaker. Roger kept the audience enthralled for the entire program. The word "best ever program" was a common reaction from our members. A fantastic way to open our programming year and with such an important topic as , "Becoming an Employer of Choice". I would recommend your participation without hesitation. Truly a world-class performance."
Wayne Tarken, SPHR
President, Tri-State Human Resource Management Association
Affiliate Chapter of the Society for Human Resource Management

"It was great working with you at FDI's 1999 Midyear Executive Conference in San Diego. Combining the formal presentation with the industry panel dialogue provided a great format for this audience. Initial feedback from the delegates has been very positive. Further adding to the session's take-away value as NCR's sponsorship of the KEEPING GOOD PEOPLE bestseller as a handout for the attendees."
Wayne Breckenridge, Director
Education and Retail Support Services
Food Distributors International

"Roger Herman deserves an "excellent" rating. We liked the way he shaped his presentation to support and tie into the theme of the day. Roger established great rapport with the attendees; time seemed to slip away. The attendees enjoyed the time with him...made them forget the bad news of earlier sessions of our regional meeting. He helped us all re-think how we view employees. The audience--business owners--wished employees themselves could have sat in on the session. He really opened our eyes to why people react differently."
Jerry Diller, Regional Manager
Nash Finch Company

"The feedback received from participants shows that the information you shared with them was very valuable and truly provided them with readily adaptable tools to successfully recruit and retain quality employees in today's challenging labor market."
Carolyn Bristo
Economic Development Administrator City of Phoenix

"Everyone felt that your presentation was very timely and thought provided\king and was a great kick off to this years conference. The information that you presented was extremely valuable to our membership and answered a lot of the questions that have been posed to us for years regarding employee retention."
Elliott R. Winit
Sr. Director, Reservations System Planning & Distribution
Red Lions Hotels

"I also want to acknowledge and thank you for your work in familiarizing yourself with our organization and personalizing your message around our issues."
Jerry Flanders
Vice President Conventions
National Association for State Farm Agents

"Your unique opening caught their attention. The active presentation style you used kept them engaged in your content. We appreciate how the ending of your speech made a direct tie to their leadership responsibility

Participants also enjoyed being able to engage in personal conversations with you after the presentation and throughout the conference. That personal touch went over well with our members."

Marcy Estok
Acting Manager, Chapter Services Department
American Society for Training and Development

"Your presentation was extremely well received. You are a master communicator and your topic was on target. It is very difficult to please a group of people who conduct hundreds of training programs per year and who must select from amongst the myriad consultants offering their services - you were able to keep their interest and actually left them wanting to hear more from you."
Alma M. Joseph, Ed. D.
Executive Director
National Association of Government Training and Development Directors

As expected, all of the comments I received from those in attendance at your seminar were extremely positive. You gave a great deal of information which will go a long way toward reshaping their thinking about the workforce as its constructed currently, as well as in the future. Serious staffing problems are already affecting these people.
Jere D. Lawrence
Executive Director
Mid-Atlantic Wholesalers Association

"I can tell you without hesitation, but with great enthusiasm, that you came over extremely well."
C. G. Scofield
Managing Director
Industrial Fasteners Institute

" really caused people to think, and the breakout sessions had extremely active discussions. As you could tell from the volume and quality of breakout session flip-charts, those discussions were quite meaningful."
Wade B. Brian
Vice President, Human Resources
Health Care & Retirement Corporations

"Thanks again for conducting such a lively and substantive session and inspiring everyone to leave on a high note. Your professionalism and engaging personality were appreciated by all."
Barbara Singer
Vice President, Marketing
Footwear Industries of America

" must have hypnotized the group because there was nothing but praise, not just great, but outstanding."
George R. Staton
Food Industry Association Executives

"The participants gave you consistently high marks for your content, delivery, and overall effectiveness. You did a fine job blending several topics to help us achieve our objectives.

We also appreciated the way you scheduled yourself to arrive early enough to mix with participants the evening before your presentation. Your interaction with them before, during, and after your seminar added greatly to their learning.

I would be happy to recommend you to any organization. You know your material and how to present it."

Barbara S. Jackson
Director, Personnel Management for Executives
European Region Department of the Army

"We had many outside speakers during our four-day conference. You received the top score of all the speakers."
James L. Oster
Personnel Manager
Camet Division of W. R. Grace

"The feedback from attendees was incredibly positive. The high quality of your presentation, delivered in a superb fashion, to a standing room only crowd, had the kind of impact that our delegates will remember for many years to come."
Denise Costa
Convention and Meeting Planner
California Grocers Association

"Your message was not only clear, concise and timely, but capped off the whole event and fit in perfectly with out theme WORKING TOGETHER FOR GROWTH.

We got glowing comments from the attendees and many felt it was the highlight of the event."

Carl A. Rakich
Director of Operations & Development
B-DRY System, Inc.

"Your thoughts and comments were appreciated and your insights certainly added momentum to the session. You obviously spent much time working on your program as our audience listened to every detail.

You were a pleasure to work with. Thanks again for an outstanding performance."

Thomas G. Drake
Director of Marketing, Communications & Education
National Sporting Goods Association

"The feedback I have received from many attendees has been overwhelmingly positive. It seems that everyone found your talk to be helpful as well as interesting. I, for one, was thoroughly impressed."
Terry Casey
Executive Vice President
Pennsylvania Society of Association Executives

"Your presentation was very well delivered, and the subject matter certainly topical."
Samuel J. Nichols
Quality Checkd Dairy Products Association

"As we worked together during the planning phase, you were cooperative, supportive and receptive to our ideas. You learned about our members and designed your content to meet their needs.

We knew your topic about future trends would be of interest, but we were astonished by your crowd. Not only did we fill every seat, there were about 150 people standing along the back and sides of the room! Standing Room Only!

Your audience was obviously delighted with your speech. They gained a tremendous amount of information and insight during your dynamic presentation. Their pleasure was confirmed after you spoke, when they bought every book and tape you had brought with you--and ordered more! We heard lots of positive comments from our members. In every way, you made us look good!"

J. Stewart Taylor
Convention Director
The Retailers Bakery-Deli Association

"As you will see on the enclosed evaluations and summary sheet, the comments on the seminar were extremely favorable, indicating that this seminar was a great success. Based on the participant comments, SOCAP will offer this seminar again in the future."
M. Lauren Basham
Director of Education & Publications
Society of Consumer Affairs Professionals in Business

"As a meeting planner, you made my job easy and enjoyable. You held the group in your hands as you kept their interest and attention in what is probably the most difficult time-slot for any speaker to fill--after lunch, and just before the conclusion of the entire program. Thanks also, Roger, for the personal attention you gave those individuals needing special help. Indeed, you are a true professional!"
Rod J. Simon
South Dakota Credit Union League

"Over the last four years, I have become aware of your growing international reputation. I was so pleased to be able to develop a three part educational program around your keynote for our SHFA annual convention in May.

In addition to superlative program evaluations, I have had many phone calls and hand-written personal notes filled with accolades about the quality of information included in our program.

While your subject matter started out as universal and of generic interest to anyone in the room, you skillfully made the transition of the application of your information to our industry."

Mary Ellen Hiatt
Executive Director
Southern Home Furnishings Association

"Your remarks were extremely informative and most helpful to our members and contributed to making our meeting a real success."
David R. Roland
Steel Service Center Institute

"Your remarks were expertly crafted to provide a relational frame of reference for how historic employment cycles can be viewed as precursors for change requiring new strategies for employee retention.

...your presentation...provided the right portion of information and motivation which will stimulate many to ...begin to more closely examine internal operations."

Jerry L Campbell
Executive Director
Tennessee Valley Public Power Association

"...thank you for participating as a speaker at our European Grain Marketing Conference in Vienna. Your presentation and comments regarding strategic management and its application in evolving organizations were well received by the participants."
Kenneth Hobbie
President and CEO
U.S. Feed Grains Council

"I have received a number of comments about your strong communication skills and about the valuable content of your program."
Kenneth R. Watts
West Virginia Credit Union League

"Thank you, Roger, for starting out our convention with such a blockbuster program. You know you made an impact by the way that no one left the room longer than necessary. You lost none of the avid football fans to the TV. You sold all the books you brought with you and more.

If lumber dealers around the country are as hungry for education and new ideas as our members are, I'm sure you are going to be pretty busy in the future."

Mary E. Murphy
Executive Director
Western Building Material Association

"Frankly, we are not in the habit of hearing really exciting speakers...delivering good MEAT along with the Roger Herman special style of humor. On a scale of ten you were about a dozen.

...your ideas were very thought-provoking. I have been a part of the Arizona society for over twelve years and have never seen so many people taking notes!"

Bill Johnson
Arizona Society of Association Executives

"Congratulations on an outstanding presentation to our members. Your Keeping Good People seminar fulfilled all of my expectations, and as the enclosed evaluation shows, fulfilled those of our members as well. was a genuine please meeting you and working with you to help our members. I heartily recommend you and your Keeping Good People material for dental audiences."

Ronald P. Stifter, DDS
Wisconsin Dental Association, Inc.

"As a meeting planner, it is great to work with a professional speaker. Your knowledge of the subject, dynamic presentation style, and interaction with participants made for a memorable presentation.

The attached evaluation form confirms that your presentation was of great interest to WSAE members. Over 70% of the participants rated your presentation excellent."

Jane A. Svinicki
Executive Vice President
Wisconsin Society of Association Executives

"You were right on target! Your extremely thought-provoking insight, commentaries, and challenges were exactly what we had hoped for in our workshop. Our people were energized, enthusiastic, and stirred to question--to most seriously consider where we are and, most importantly, where we are going. Thank you for making this happen. It is a privilege to have you as part of the Boddie-Noell family. We look forward to our future work together."
Robert W. Crumley
Senior Vice President, Personnel
Boddie-Noell Enterprises, Inc
(operates over 350 restaurants)
Rocky Mount, NC

"Thank you for speaking at Maryland's first Future Trends Analyst Session. The session offered business and education leaders though-provoking information as well as unique insights on potential growth opportunities, workforce issues and trends facng public and private sector leaders in the 21st century.

Numerous members have commented on your description of the GenX workforce. As the result of your comments, some members are considering offering laundry, daycare, and other services for their peoople. You accurately depicted several challenges we face in defining strategies that will improve and retain our workforce. Your presentation also provided the group with an excellent foundation for determining where Maryland should focus its resources.

Thank you for helping us create the next roadmap for enhnacing the State's business climate and maintaining its quality of life."

Joseph Haskins, Jr., Chairman
Maryland Economic Development Commmisson

"On behalf of Don Burrell, myself, and all of Burrell Professional Labs, thank you for speaking at our Presidential Circle symposium on January 16, 2000. You presented an informative and entertaining program with memorable enthusiasm and energy. We heard many complementary and positive comments regarding you and your presentation throughout the entire symposium. The "behind the scenes" staff at Burrell Professional Labs also appreciated the way you created an atmosphere of excitement and enlightenment as you jumped into your program and captured the interest and attention of all in attendance.

When hiring a guest speaker, our goal for the Presidential Circle is always to provide talent "above and beyond" what these customers are accustom to at their local events and conventions. Your program certainly fit the "above and beyond" category we were searching to deliver.

All of us at Burrell Professional Labs, staff and customers alike, were very satisfied with the knowledge and thought provoking ideas you shared with us at the 2000 Presidential Circle Symposium. We also appreciate the way you customized your presentation to target the audience at hand, and we felt it imperative to express to you a collective and sincere thank you."

Steve C. Metz
Events Manager
Burrell Professional Labs, Inc.

"You did really get the ball rolling with your Retention Presentation at our annual management meetings. Overall we have seen a movement in the right direction with turnover.

The momentum is definitely on track! Key leaders are making organizational changes to address issues."

Dennis Anderson
Director - Corporate Training and Communications
WAL-MART Stores, Inc.

"Thank you for the outstanding presentation you gave to our members and guests at the Akron Regional Development Board's meeting on February 18, 2000. We continue to hear positive comments regarding your presentation entitled, "How to Become an Employer of Choice." One recurring comment is not only how well you connected with the audience, but the ease in which you communicated your that attendees surely wanted to hear. We are in the process of planning follow-up to the roundtable discussion; thanks to you, it was a big hit!"
Lana Thomas
Akron Regional Development Board

"Your topic of evolving workforce trends and strategies was certainly timely and pertinent. Our members found you to be clear, concise, and highly informative."
Amy Drago
Conference Manager
National Association of Hose and Accessories Distributors

"I appreciate so much the opportunity to have been at a workshop recently to be introduced to the work you do. The workshop was good but the book is incredible. Keeping Good People has been very helpful to me as I have worked on an Action Plan intended to improve employee perception of the work environment. The Staff were very pleased with some of the strategies for improvement that came directly from your book. Thanks."
Elizabeth W. Warden, RN
Director of Nursing
Forsyth Medical Center

"Thank you again for presenting at our All Hands meeting. The content was right on target, and your delivery was engaging and entertaining. Robyn and I heard many favorable comments throughout the day on Tuesday, including compliments from Bill Burleigh and Ken Lowe. Both referenced your presentation several times in their closing remarks."
Greg Ebel, Vice President
Human Resources
The E. W. Scripps Company
"I continue to get rave reviews from our distributors on your presentation. Numerous claim to have taken your words and suggestions to heart and have success stories to report. I credit your presentation for this resounding approval of our seminar theme."
Randy Taylor
Golbon (6 months later)

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