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  Press Release
For Immediate Release
Contact: Roger Herman

Impending Crisis Hits # 5 on Best Seller List

GREENSBORO, NC. Impending Crisis: Too Many Jobs, Too Few People, was ranked at the #5 best seller for March on the Business Books Best Seller List compiled by 800-CEO-READ in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. This positioning is a significant improvement from the #12 rank for all of 2003.

Written by Roger Herman, Tom Olivo, and Joyce Gioia, Impending Crisis has captured the attention of corporate leaders. Loaded with documentation and graphics, the book serves as a warning message to employers about critical workforce trends. The authors forecast the most severe shortage of skilled labor in history and assert that most employer are not prepared for the consequences.

There is a pent-up supply of workers ready to change jobs as soon as the economy improves. The authors describe this phenomenon as "warm chair attrition." Recent studies suggest that 30-40 percent…and maybe as high as 70 percent of today's workers are ready to leave their current positions. They're just waiting for opportunities and calls from recruiters. And recruiters are gearing up for a highly competitive decade.

The fact that this wake-up call book is selling so well is a clear indicator that executives and business owners are increasingly concerned about their vulnerability. If they do lose their top talent, it will be more difficult to replace those critical workers when there is a shortage of qualified people. The key word is "qualified." The authors observe that America faces a need to retrain the vast majority of its workers to fulfill the jobs of tomorrow. Schools--particularly community and technical colleges--will be busy.

Without a sufficient staff of qualified employees to serve their customers, companies risk what the authors describe as "corporate extinction." If the customers can't be served, they will go to the competition, taking their money with them. Employers with insufficient staffing will wrestle with cash flow, revenue, and profit issues in a serious way.

Lead author Roger Herman, a workforce futurist and CEO of The Herman Group in Greensboro, NC, is even more graphic. Watching senior executives ignore the workforce problem, he uses the phrase "negligent corporate homicide." He cautions that "too many CEOs avoid dealing with employee retention and workforce stability issues because it requires them to be really engaged with their people. When boards of directors focus their CEO's attention on the numbers that move stock prices, the hired-gun leaders leave the workforce issues for whoever succeeds them. The results could be beyond recovery.

Impending Crisis is available at brick and mortar and on-line bookstores. As a business best seller, the book can be purchased from at a 30 percent discount. Purchasers can also call (800) CEO-READ (236-7323) during business hours.

The Herman Group is a firm of consulting futurists concentrating on workforce and workplace trends and their implications. Emphasis is placed on employee selection and retention as critical strategies. Included in the firm are researchers, professional speakers, authors, and consultants. The Herman Group is based in Greensboro, NC, with affiliates in Sao Paulo, Melbourne, Hong Kong, and Port Louis, Mauritius. Contact Joyce Gioia-Herman at 336-210-3548 or e-mail:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            

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