Five Generations in the Workplace (including the latest research)
- Markers
- Values and Attitudes
- Assets
- Liabilities
- Attitudes between the Generations
Talent Management
- What is Talent Management?
- Components of Talent Management
- 10 Keys to Talent Management
Keeping Good People and Keeping them Productive
- Six Reasons Why Good People Leave
- Strategies to Improve Retention Performance
- Environmental Strategies
- Relationship Strategies
- Support Strategies
- Growth Strategies
- Engagement Strategies
- Compensation/Rewards Strategies
Defining, Developing, and Marketing your Employee Value Proposition (EVP)
- Importance of having an EVP
- One Size Does Not Fit All: base yours on values and attitudes
- Generational and Talent Differences (including attracting A-players and retaining the intellectual capital of aging workers)
- Employer Branding: establishing your organization as an Employer of Choice®
- Communicating your EVP (including Internal vs. External)
Making Work Lean and Meaningful
- Getting Lean
- Elements of Meaningfulness
- Collaboration and Engagement
- Balancing Work and Personal Life
- Family Centeredness
- Care of the Individual
- The Flexible Workplace
- Personal and Professional Growth
- Social Responsibility
- Educating Tomorrow's Workers
- Spirituality
- Meaningful Rewards
Many Small Group Activities (throughout the day)
Dinner (evening activity)
Day 2
Employer of Choice®
- Definition
- 8 Elements of Being an Employer of Choice®
Healthcare Employer of Choice®
Recognizing A-, B-, and C-Players
Retention Successes
- Case Study to Model
- Best Practices of Employers of Choice®
Healthy vs. Fit Cultures
- Definition and Importance
- Moments of Truth
- Tiering of Candidates
- Selection Instruments
- 8 Vital Elements of Orientation
- Importance of Ongoing Contact
What does Turnover Really Cost your Organization?
- Calculating the Cost of Turnover
- Selling the Need for Action
Best Retention Practices
- Case Studies
- Leading Edge Company Practices
Where do you go from here?
Small Group Activities (throughout the day)
Call (336) 282-9370 to register.